
Occupation Overview

The occupation object describes a category of jobs such as electrical engineers, marketing managers, or machinists. Occupations are used in cases where candidates are exploring career transitions rather than seeking specific roles to apply for and in cases where employers are seeking to increase the number of viable candidates for open positions. AdeptID's occupation taxonomy is based on the O*NET Taxonomy, sponsored by the US Department of Labor.


What is the difference between a job and an occupation?

In AdeptID’s data model, a job refers to a single job posting or work experience, while an occupation refers to a category of similar jobs. For example, a tax accountant at Bank of America, a public accountant at Merck, and an auditor at KPMG (three different jobs) are grouped together in the Accountants and Auditors occupation. In the O*NET taxonomy, Accountants and Auditors have an ID (13-2011.00) that is part of the Business and Financial Operations Occupation Group and has many other pieces of associated metadata.

AdeptID uses its Occupation Classification model to determine the occupation of inputted job postings or work experiences based on the job title, employer, and industry.

Metadata fields for occupation include demographics, typical salaries, and projected growth of the role. These are provided through Occupation Metadata.

Occupation Schema

The metadata fields available for each occupation are detailed below. For those fields that vary by location, data is typically available at the national, state and metropolitan statistical area level.

General Information

Information for naming, describing and categorizing occupations. We offer three systems for categorizing occupations: O*NET career clusters, O*NET job families, and AdeptID job categories. AdeptID categories are designed to align with typical corporate functions.

onet_codestringCode for the occupation assigned by O*NET.O*NET
onet_namestringName of the occupation assigned by O*NET.O*NET
common_namestringPlural simplified name of the occupation. For example the O*NET First-Line Supervisors of Retail Workers is simplified to Store Managers.AdeptID
common_name_singularstringSingular simplified name of the occupation.AdeptID
descriptionstringDescription of the occupation.O*NET
job_category_primarystringA categorization of the O*NET code into functional categories (e.g., Marketing,Human Resources, Construction).AdeptID
job_category_secondarystringA secondary categorization of the O*NET code. This is not present in all cases. It is used for roles such as Event Planner which is be assigned to both the Business Operations and Hospitality categories.AdeptID
related_job_titlesstringSample jobs titles which are included in this occupation. Note that related job titles may be unavailable in some cases.O*NET
career_clusterstringCareer ClusterO*NET
job_familystringJob FamilyO*NET


Race/ethnicity and gender distributions by occupation and location. Demographic information can be used to compare the level of diversity between roles. Data may be unavailable in some cases.

genderfloatPercentage of workers by gender. Note that demographic data may be unavailable in some cases.US CensusNational, MSA
race_and_ethnicityfloatPercentage of workers by race and ethnicity. Note that demographic data may be unavailable in some cases.US CensusNational, MSA

Occupation Size and Growth

Information describing and categorizing the volume of supply and demand by occupation and location. Data may be missing in some cases.

posting_countintegerEmployer demand as measured by the number of job postings in the last 12 months.AdeptIDNational, State, MSA
demand_posting_categorystringCategorization of the number of job postings in the last 12 mo into one of the following bins: Very High, High, Medium and Low categories.AdeptIDNational, State, MSA
employmentintegerNumber of workers employed in the occupation. Note that employment data may be unavailable in some cases.US Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
employment_categorystringCategorization of the number of job postings in the last 12 mo into one of the following bins: Very High, High, Medium and Low categories. Note that employment data may be unavailable in some cases. (In development)AdeptIDNational, State, MSA
projected_national_growthfloatProjected 10-year growth of the occupation, nationally. Note that projected growth may be unavailable in some cases.US Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational
projected_growth_categorystringCategorization of the number of job postings in the last 12 mo into bins. (In development)AdeptIDNational


Distribution of wages by occupation and location. Annualized and hourly wages are offered for the mean, median, 10th, 25th, 75th and 90th percentile. Data are sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data may be unavailable in some cases.

annual_mean_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
annual_10th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
annual_25th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
annual_median_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
annual_75th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
annual_90th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
hourly_mean_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
hourly_10th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
hourly_25th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
hourly_median_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
hourly_75th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
hourly_90th_percentile_wagefloatUS Bureau of Labor StatisticsNational, State, MSA
wage_quartileintegerAdeptIDNational, State, MSA

Notes on Occupational Metadata

  • Handling of Unavailable Data: In some cases, data sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) may not be available. If the BLS has not published wage or projected growth data, we provide the data from the parent occupation in the SOC taxonomy. If the BLS has not provided employment data, we will return a NULL value.

  • Demand Category Definition: The bins used to define demand_posting_category are scaled according to the total demand in the reporting location: The largest occupations accounting for 50% of the total demand in the reporting location are classified as Very High demand. The next largest occupations accounting for an additional 25% of total demand are tagged as High. Occupations accounting for an additional 10% of demand are classified as medium Medium demand, and the smallest occupations accounting for 5% of total demand are tagged as Low demand.

	"demographics": {
		"gender": {
			"female": 53.80351743611358,
			"male": 46.19648256388641
		"race_and_ethnicity": {
			"american_indian_or_alaska_native": 0.41073252351138073,
			"asian": 4.810282264445744,
			"black_or_african_american": 12.139558924176125,
			"hispanic_or_latino": 17.20861875771386,
			"native_hawaiian_or_other_pacific_islander": 0.15517523450874074,
			"two_or_more_races": 1.9465603285654438,
			"white": 63.3290719670787
	"geography_name": "United States",
	"geography_type": "national",
	"occupation_supply_and_growth": {
		"demand_posting_category": "Very Large",
		"employment": 3640040,
		"posting_count": 1077407,
		"projected_national_growth": -2.1
	"onet_metadata": {
		"career_cluster": "Marketing",
		"common_name": "Retail Sales Associates",
		"common_name_singular": "Retail Sales Associate",
		"description": "Sell merchandise, such as furniture, motor vehicles, appliances, or apparel to consumers.",
		"job_category_primary": "Retail",
		"job_category_secondary": "Sales",
		"job_family": "Sales and Related Occupations",
		"onet_code": "41-2031.00",
		"onet_name": "Retail Salespersons",
		"related_job_titles": [
			"Car Salesman",
			"Customer Assistant",
			"Retail Salesperson",
			"Sales Associate",
			"Sales Clerk",
			"Sales Consultant",
			"Sales Person",
			"Sales Representative",
	"wages": {
		"annual_10th_percentile_wage": 22590.0,
		"annual_25th_percentile_wage": 26950.0,
		"annual_75th_percentile_wage": 36090.0,
		"annual_90th_percentile_wage": 47200.0,
		"annual_mean_wage": 34730.0,
		"annual_median_wage": 30600.0,
		"hourly_10th_percentile_wage": 10.86,
		"hourly_25th_percentile_wage": 12.96,
		"hourly_75th_percentile_wage": 17.35,
		"hourly_90th_percentile_wage": 22.69,
		"hourly_mean_wage": 16.7,
		"hourly_median_wage": 14.71,
		"wage_quartile": 2

Occupation Taxonomy

AdeptID’s occupation taxonomies offer a means of grouping individual jobs into broader categories. Our taxonomies are based on the O*NET occupational taxonomy, sponsored by the US Department of Labor. We support occupation taxonomies:

  • O*NET 2019

  • O*NET 2019 Simplified: an O*NET 2019 variant developed by AdeptID. O*NET 2019 Simplified removes some occupations to create a more user-friendly taxonomy.


AdeptID Enhancements to O*NET

  • Common Name: Familiar, non-technical names (e.g. Store Manager instead of First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers). Common names are available in singular and plural versions.
  • O*NET Simplified Taxonomy: Smaller, more manageable occupation taxonomy removes rarely used occupations to ensure that occupational results will be clear and familiar to users.
  • Job Categories: Groupings of occupations which align with typical corporate functions (e.g. Human Resources, Marketing, Engineering).

Use Cases for Occupation Taxonomies

AdeptID uses an occupational taxonomy and schema in support of the following use cases:

Occupation Taxonomy Details

AdeptID’s occupation taxonomies are based on the O*NET occupational taxonomy, sponsored by the US Department of Labor. We use the current version of the O*NET taxonomy, O*NET 2019 verbatim, and also modify the taxonomy in order to support specific use cases. AdeptID’s endpoints which output occupations - Occupation Classification, Recommend Source Jobs, and Recommend Destination jobs - allow developers to specify whether to output data in O*NET 2019 and O*NET 2019 Simplified, our two public occupation taxonomies.

O*NET 2019

Number of Occupations:1,016
Description:Occupation taxonomy as published by the US Department of Labor. AdeptID has removed military occupations from its utilization of the taxonomy as these are not typically relevant in traditional job search use cases.
Typical Use Cases:Occupation Classification, Occupational Data Enrichment for Analysts.
Notes:This taxonomy is best used in analytical use cases when alignment to additional data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other US Government agencies is essential.

O*NET 2019 Simplified

Number of Occupations:787
Description:O*NET 2019 with certain uncommon and redundant occupations removed.
Typical Use Cases:1) Recommending Career Pathways for Candidates.
2) Identifying Alternative Talent Pools for Employers.
Notes:This taxonomy was created to make O*NET 2019 more user-friendly. Modifications include the removal of the following categories:

1. Duplicated occupations such as Transit and Railroad Police which are almost identical to Police and Sheriff's Patrol Officers.
2. Rare occupations such as Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Timing Device Assemblers and Adjusters.
3. Occupations which are defined as ‘Job Category’-All Other.

Canonical Values

A list of the value in AdeptID's occupation taxonomies and general information about occupation names and groupings can be accessed here.