Find Talent in New Places


Our talent matching model can help your organization diversify your talent pipeline by identifying non-traditional jobs to recruit from. For any role that your organization is looking to fill, it will identify occupations that build similar skillsets, including those that don’t look similar on the surface.

For more information on how our modeling works, head to the Modeling Approach section.

API Endpoint

Head to the Recommend Source Occupations section of our API Reference Documents.

Model Inputs and Outputs

List of open roles that your organization is trying to fillMatch quality ranking (low to very high) and match scores for each occupation
Job descriptions for the open roles*For each occupation:

- List of the top skills overlaps and gaps
- Supporting data, such as job description, salary, projected growth of job opportunities

Customized Models

The inputs and outputs with an * (as well as any other data specific to your organization) can be incorporated through a customized model. To learn more, please reach out.

Sample Use Case

Select a role for which you are looking to expand and diversify your talent pool and consider alternative sources of talent from which to recruit.