Contact Info

Contact Info Overview

AdeptID captures contact information for individuals and organizations in a standard schema/format.

Contact Info Schema

AdeptID's Contact Info Schema captures typical contact information detail such as name, telephone(s), email address(es) and web address(es) of a contact, and additionally extends AdeptID's Location schema.

nameName object
locationLocation objectSee Location for schema information.
telephonesarray of Telephone objects
email_addressesarray of stringsListed email addresses
web_addressesarray of Web Address objects


prefixstringName prefix
full_namestringFull name
first_namestringFirst (i.e., given) name
middle_namestringMiddle name
last_namestringLast (i.e., family) name
suffixstringName suffix


rawstringPhone number in its original format
normalizedstringPhone number in the format +1 234-567-8910
international_country_codestringCountry code
area_city_codestringArea or city code
subscriber_numberstringSubscriber number (prefix and line numbers)

Web Address

addressstringListed URLs
typestringThe type, often domain, of the web address (e.g., LinkedIn)

Use Cases for Contact Info

Resume Parsing: When an end user or customer's system parses a resumes AdeptID returns contact information which may be used to pre-fill forms for users and/or may be stored by systems to facilitate outreach to job candidates. This use case is satisfied using parse resume.

Candidate Search: AdeptID returns contact information for individual candidates in talent sourcing use cases. This facilitates outreach by recruiters to invite them to apply. This use case is in private beta, please contact us for more information.

Contact Info Example

      "full_name":"Piya A. Gupta",
      "city_name":"Jersey City",
      "metro":"New York,  NY",
      "msa_name":"New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ",
      "state_name":"New Jersey",
         "280 Grove St"
            "raw":"(234) 567-8910",
            "normalized":"+1 234-567-8910",
         "[email protected]"