Recommend Internal Pathways Within a Company
Our talent matching model can identify internal pathways and opportunities for upward mobility for current employees with the goal of improving retention.
It does this by taking in information about each employee to infer their skills, then doing the same for each potential next role to understand the required skills. Using this information, it looks at the degree of similarity between the two skillsets to predict the likelihood of an employee being successful in each role.
For more information on how our modeling works, head to the Modeling Approach section.
API Endpoint
Head to the Recommend Destination Jobs section of our API Reference Documents.
Model Inputs and Outputs
Inputs | Outputs |
For each employee: - A resume or their job titles, employers, skills, education - Assessment results, interests, and additional information* | Match quality ranking (low to very high) and match score for each employee into each role |
For the employer: - Potential roles for employees to move into - Sample job descriptions* - Data on past promotions and retention outcomes* | List of the top skills overlaps and gaps for each employee for each role |
Customized Models
The inputs and outputs with an * (as well as any other data specific to your organization) can be incorporated through a customized model. To learn more, please reach out.
Updated 29 days ago