Parse a job posting into AdeptID's Job Schema in preparation for matching and scoring.
Parse and Evaluate
Open Recipe
Use this endpoint to parse a Job object from a job posting. The resulting Job object can be used across AdeptID's Matching and Search and Recommend families of endpoints.
Note: This is a value-added service and is not available by default. To access this service, please contact your AdeptID Partner Success team.
Additional Notes:
- This is a synchronous endpoint with a latency of multiple seconds in some scenarios. Users should consider this when configuring API timeout limits.
- The job posting must be in the format of a standard 'base64' encoding as defined in RFC 4648 Section 4 (not the 'base64url' variant). The encoded files can be Microsoft Word (all versions including DOCX), PDF, HTML, Rich Text (RTF), Plain Text (TXT), OpenOffice 2.+, Microsoft Office, or HTML.
- Within the payload, users must identify a
. Using thedocument_last_modified_date
, AdeptID can better interpret the recency of any referenced time frames (e.g., statements like "within the past year").
- While most PDFs will successfully parse, other document types (e.g., .doc, HTML) are less likely to corrupt and result in an unsuccessful parse. AdeptID recommends formats other than PDF when available.