Use Cases

Career Navigation

Who is it for?

Our career navigation workflows allow talent applications, workforce training providers, and employers to recommend next steps, such as new roles and training opportunities, for individuals based on their experiences, skills, and interests. Our technology helps job seekers find their next careers and training program candidates to identify the best program for their interests.

What does it do?

What makes our approach special?

Recommendations based on real-world outcomes: We use skill-based and outcome-based models to predict a user’s likelihood of successful transition. Recommendations are made based on career transitions of job seekers with similar histories and based on overlap between the user’s articulated and inferred skills and their recommended jobs.

Personalized models based on customers’ own data: When customers have outcomes data about people they have hired, who have been successful at their firm, or have successfully completed their training programs, we can deliver customized models enhanced by those results.

Algorithmic Bias Testing: We use ethical AI approaches and test all models for algorithmic bias prior to release.

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Talent Discovery - Candidate Matching

Who’s it for?

Our platform enables employers to identify the strongest candidates for a given role and highlights hidden talent pools of workers who may be overlooked. This approach allows employers to more effectively screen candidates for oversubscribed roles and to build larger and more diverse applicant pools for hard to fill roles.

What does it do?

Our APIs can help employers identify best fit candidates for a given role on the basis of their skills and potential. This creates an ‘affirmative’ filter and allows employers to make decisions based on who will be most successful in the role rather than rough proxies such as degrees.

In cases where employers are struggling to fill a role, our APIs show employers how they can expand their talent pool, identifying candidates with adjacent skill sets and new sources of diverse talent.

Employer Candidate

Training Program Candidate Matching

What makes our approach special?

Our candidate scoring models can be trained on customers’ actual outcomes to ensure that the recommendations are aligned to who is successful in your organization. Our models are driven by feedback loops so that they learn from customer data and improve in real time.

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