Retrieve the results of an asynchronous operation.

This endpoint retrieves the results from AdeptID's asynchronous endpoints including Evaluate Transition Async and Occupation Classification Async.

The endpoint will parse the input, validate types, etc., and respond with a result set ID and link to check the status.

"id": "01800446-efb1-88af-9e7e-5f487977fbbc",
"link": "/v1/result-sets/01800446-efb1-88af-9e7e-5f487977fbbc"

The result set resource is a link provided in the return of the bulk API which can be polled for state updates. An in-process task will look like this:

"file_url": null
"id": "01800446-efb1-88af-9e7e-5f487977fbbc",
"state": "processing(predicting)"

When a task is completed, "state"="done" and will include a presigned download link that's good for 5 mins. If it expires, GET /v2/result-sets/{result_set_id} will return a fresh link.

The completed processing looks like this:

"file_url": "",
"id": "01800446-efb1-88af-9e7e-5f487977fbbc",
"state": "done"

The result files are gzipped JSON.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!