
Industry Certification Updates

We've made updates to our industry-certifications-search endpoint in order to provide users with more relevant results.

Features and Benefits

Improved Relevance of Results: The endpoint now returns the most utilized certifications at the top of the results list. For example, when searching for RN, the "Registered Nurse (RN)" will appear first on the list and more specialized certifications such as "Certified Correctional Health Professional - Nursing (CCHP-RN)" and "Inpatient Obstetric Nursing (RNC-OB)" will be pushed down the list.

Streamlined Certifications Dictionary: The endpoint removes many rarely used and poorly defined certifications from the results set. The endpoint now uses the certifications taxonomy developed by Lightcast as part of their broader skills taxonomy, which has 3,400 certifications down from 5,600 in the prior version.

Include Taxonomic Metadata: The results now include a certification family and a certification group to aid in the organization and description of certifications presented to users.

Breaking Changes
The certification name field has been changed from cert_name to certification_name in order to be consistent with other AdeptID endpoints.

Sample Payload

  "certification_family": "Health Care",
  "certification_group": "Nursing and Patient Care",
  "certification_name": "Registered Nurse (RN)"